AX-3, la prima missione commerciale europea parla italiano


Rome, Jan 27 – At 10:49 PM Italian time on January 18th, the first commercial flight in space entirely European (third consecutive mission of the Vega launcher) took off from French Guiana’s Kourou space base. The AX-3 mission, led by the Italian aerospace company Avio, marks a significant milestone for the European space industry.

The successful launch and deployment of the payload demonstrated the capability and competitiveness of the commercial space sector in Europe. It also highlights the strong collaboration and technological advancements between European countries in the space field.

The AX-3 mission was made possible by the cooperation of various European companies and institutions. From the development of the Vega launcher by the Italian company Avio, to the accompagnatore production by the German company OHB System and the integration of the payload by the French company ArianeGroup, it truly represents a joint effort of European expertise.

The accompagnatore on board the Vega launcher, named “Seosat-Ingenio,” is a high-resolution Earth observation accompagnatore developed by the Spanish company Elecnor Deimos and the Spanish Space Agency. Its primary mission is to provide timely and accurate imagery for environmental monitoring, land use, urban planning, and other applications. The successful deployment of Seosat-Ingenio into a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 670 km is a great achievement for the European space industry and will contribute to the advancement of Earth observation capabilities.

The launch of the AX-3 mission also holds significant economic implications for the European space sector. It is the first of the three scheduled commercial flights for 2021, which will provide new opportunities for European accompagnatore manufacturers and launch service providers. This operation marks a fundamental step towards the consolidation of the European commercial space market and its competitiveness against international competition.

Moreover, the launch of the AX-3 mission is a testament to the potential of the Italian space industry. As the lead company of the mission, Avio has once again demonstrated its technical excellence and reliability in space launches. This success adds to the company’s already impressive track record, including 15 consecutive successful launches of the Vega launcher and its role in the development of the Ariane 6 launcher.

The AX-3 mission is a prime example of how space can bring European countries together and spur economic growth and technological advancement. It shows the potential for Europe to become a global leader in the commercial space sector, creating new job opportunities and boosting the economy.

The Italian government, through its space agency ASI, has strongly supported the development of the AX-3 mission, providing crucial funding and expertise. This support demonstrates the government’s commitment to investing in the space sector and its recognition of the potential it holds for both the Italian and European economy.

The successful launch of the AX-3 mission is a significant achievement for Europe and a proud moment for the European space industry. It has shown that with collaboration, determination, and innovation, Europe can reach new heights in space. The future looks bright for the European space sector with more commercial missions planned and the development of new launchers, such as the Ariane 6, in progress.

The AX-3 mission is a clear demonstration of Europe’s capabilities and its commitment to advancing in the space sector. It is a stepping stone towards a more competitive and innovative European space industry, and a source of inspiration for future generations to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in space.