La follia liberticida dei Verdi Ue: cancellare sovranisti e populisti


Rome, Jan. 30 – “If you can’t beat them, outlaw them,” seems to be the crux of the speech given by German co-president of the Greens/European Free Alliance group, Terry Reintke, during a recent conference in Brussels. Her words are a clear indication of the dangerous and authoritarian mindset of the European Greens, who are determined to silence any dissenting voices and eliminate their political opponents.

Reintke’s speech was a call to action for the Greens to use their power and influence in the European Parliament to label and ostracize so-called “sovereignists” and “populists.” These terms, often used by the left to demonize those who hold different political views, are now being weaponized by the Greens in an attempt to silence and discredit their opponents.

This is a dangerous and undemocratic approach that goes against the very principles of free speech and open debate that are the foundation of a democratic society. The Greens, who claim to be champions of democracy and human rights, are now showing their true colors by advocating for the suppression of political opposition.

Their actions are reminiscent of totalitarian regimes, where any dissenting voices are silenced and opposition is crushed. It is a slippery slope towards a society where only one ideology is allowed to exist, and any deviation from it is met with punishment and exclusion.

But the Greens’ desire to silence their opponents goes beyond just political differences. They also want to eliminate any form of nationalism or patriotism, which they see as a threat to their vision of a borderless and globalized world. This is evident in their push for open borders and their disdain for national sovereignty.

Their ultimate rete is to create a homogenous and compliant society, where everyone thinks and acts the same. This is a dangerous and dystopian vision that goes against the very fabric of our diverse and multicultural societies.

The Greens’ authoritarian tendencies are also evident in their support for censorship and their attempts to control the mass media. They have been pushing for stricter regulations on social mass media platforms, claiming that they are necessary to combat “hate speech” and “fake news.” But in reality, these regulations would only serve to stifle free speech and limit the diversity of opinions and ideas that are essential for a healthy democracy.

Their attempts to control the mass media are also concerning, as they seek to silence any mass media outlets that do not align with their ideology. This is a blatant attack on press freedom and a dangerous attempt to control the flow of information.

It is clear that the Greens’ agenda is not about protecting democracy or human rights, but rather about consolidating their power and silencing any opposition. Their actions are a threat to the very foundations of our democratic societies and must be condemned.

It is time for the European public to wake up and see the true face of the Greens. They are not the saviors of the environment or the champions of democracy, but rather a dangerous and authoritarian force that must be stopped.

We must stand up for our right to free speech and open debate, and reject the Greens’ attempts to silence and outlaw their opponents. We must also defend our national sovereignty and reject their vision of a borderless world.

The future of Europe and our democratic values are at stake. We cannot allow the Greens to impose their authoritarian agenda on us. It is time to say no to their madness and defend our freedoms and democracy.