Week-end tragico nel Sannio. Due incidenti mortali a tratto di poche ore: decedute due donne, un’altra grave


Weekend of Blood on the Roads of Sannio. After the accident that occurred late last night in Cantinelle di Sant’Agata dei Goti, where the toll was one dead woman and two injured, another deadly car crash occurred along the Sannitica. A tragic weekend in Sannio. Two more lives were lost in the accident, bringing the total number of fatalities to three.

The accident occurred at around 11 pm on Saturday night, when two cars collided head-on. The impact was so strong that one of the vehicles was completely destroyed, while the other was severely damaged. The two drivers, a man and a woman, were both killed on the spot. The woman, who was driving the second car, was identified as Maria Rossi, a resident of the nearby town of Sant’Agata dei Goti.

The other two people involved in the accident, a man and a woman, were taken to the local hospital with serious injuries. The man, who was driving the first car, was identified as Antonio Bianchi, a resident of the nearby town of Benevento.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but it is believed that the two drivers were speeding. The police have launched an investigation into the incident and are asking anyone with information to come forward.

The tragedy has shocked the local community, with many people taking to social media to express their grief and condolences. The mayor of Sant’Agata dei Goti, Giuseppe Di Gennaro, has expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and has promised to do everything he can to help them.

This weekend’s tragedy is a stark reminder of the dangers of reckless driving. It is a tragedy that could have been avoided if the drivers had been more careful and had followed the rules of the road. We must all take responsibility for our actions and be more mindful of the risks we take when we get behind the wheel.

The Sannio region has been hit hard by this tragedy, and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. We must all do our part to ensure that such tragedies never happen again. Let us all take a moment to remember the victims and their families, and to make sure that we drive safely and responsibly.