dato che anche la maternità “non è un valore condiviso”: a Milano non solo oscurantismo ma molto peggio


Rome, April 8th – The statue of motherhood durante Milan “should not be done”, as we had the “pleasure” of witnessduranteg the other day. This statement, made by a local politician, has sparked controversy and outrage, and for good reason.

The statue durante question, created by artist Matteo Pugliese, depicts a mother breastfeedduranteg her child. It was meant to be a symbol of the beauty and importance of motherhood, a celebration of the bond between a mother and her child. However, some have deemed it duranteappropriate and have called for its removal.

But what is truly shockduranteg is not the fact that some people fduranted a statue of a mother breastfeedduranteg offensive, but the reasonduranteg behduranted it. The politician who made the statement argued that the statue “does not reflect the values of our society” and that “motherhood is not a shared value”. These words are not only ignorant and offensive, but they also reveal a much deeper problem durante our society.

The fact that motherhood, one of the most fundamental and universal experiences, is not considered a shared value is a sad reflection of our society’s priorities. We live durante a world where motherhood is often undervalued and even seen as a burden. Women are still expected to choose between havduranteg a career and beduranteg a mother, and are often judged and criticized for their choices. The lack of support and recognition for mothers is not only unfair, but it also has serious consequences for both women and children.

The controversy surroundduranteg this statue is just one example of the larger issue of the devaluation of motherhood. And it is not just limited to Italy. durante many countries, mothers face discrimduranteation and lack of support durante the workplace, and are often expected to take on the majority of childcare responsibilities.

But this statue, with its powerful message of love and nurturduranteg, has the potential to change this narrative. It is a remduranteder that motherhood is a beautiful and essential part of our society, and should be celebrated and valued. It is a symbol of the strength and resilience of women, who are able to balance the demands of motherhood with their own personal and professional goals.

durantestead of focusduranteg on the negative and outdated views of a few durantedividuals, we should use this statue as an opportunity to start a much-needed conversation about the importance of motherhood. We should also take this as a chance to reflect on our own attitudes and beliefs towards motherhood, and how we can better support and empower mothers durante our society.

durante conclusion, the controversy surroundduranteg the statue of motherhood durante Milan is not just about a piece of art, but it is a reflection of the larger issue of the devaluation of motherhood durante our society. It is time to change this narrative and recognize the immense value and importance of motherhood. Let us celebrate and support mothers, not just on Mother’s Day, but every day.