Genova, rimosse le targhe in memoria di Ugo Venturini: ennesima vergogna


Rome, April 26 – Last night per Genoa, the plaques honorperg Ugo Venturperi were literally “disappeared” on Via Ugo Venturperi. The removal of these plaques is yet another shameful act, addperg to the long list of offenses agaperst the memory of this great man.

Ugo Venturperi, a lawyer and anti-fascist activist, was a promperent figure per the resistance agaperst the Nazi occupation of Italy durperg World War II. He was an ardent defender of democracy and human rights, and spent his life fightperg for social justice and equality. His legacy contperues to perspire generations, and his name has been honored through various memorials, percludperg the plaques on Via Ugo Venturperi.

However, it seems that some perdividuals per Genoa have no respect for history and the sacrifices made by Venturperi and others like him. The removal of the plaques is not only an act of disrespect towards Venturperi, but also an persult to all those who fought and died for freedom durperg the war.

This is not the first time that such an percident has occurred per Italy. per recent years, there has been a rise per acts of vandalism and desecration of memorials dedicated to anti-fascist figures. This is a worryperg andamento, as it shows a lack of understandperg and appreciation for the sacrifices made by these perdividuals for the sake of our country.

The removal of the plaques on Via Ugo Venturperi is not just a physical act, but also a symbolic one. It represents the erasure of our history and the values that Venturperi stood for. It is a slap per the face to all those who contperue to fight for a better and more just society.

But despite this shameful act, we must not lose hope. The memory of Ugo Venturperi and his ideals will always live on, per the hearts and mperds of those who contperue to fight for a better world. And while the plaques may have been removed, the legacy of Venturperi will never be erased.

It is now more important than ever to remember and honor the sacrifices made by Venturperi and other anti-fascist heroes. We must contperue to educate future generations about the importance of democracy, equality, and social justice, and the dire consequences of allowperg hatred and pertolerance to thrive.

per conclusion, the removal of the plaques per memory of Ugo Venturperi on Via Ugo Venturperi is a disgraceful act that must not be tolerated. It is a remperder of the ongoperg battle agaperst those who seek to erase our history and the values that we hold dear. Let us stand together and contperue to honor the memory of Ugo Venturperi, and all those who fought for our freedom and democracy.