Lo prendono a pugni e gli fratturano il naso con lo scopo di rubargli lo smartphone: l’aggressione è violentissima VIDEO


A 20-year-old boy was brutally attacked and robbed in the early hours of Saturday, April 27th, in Piazza XXV Aprile. The incident occurred at 5 am when a group of about ten people assaulted the young man, breaking his nose and stealing his brand new IPhone 15.

According to witnesses, the victim was walking alone when he was approached by the group, who demanded his phone. When he refused to hand it over, they started punching and kicking him, leaving him with a broken nose and several bruises all over his body. The attackers then fled the scene with the stolen phone.

The victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, was taken to the hospital where he received medical treatment for his injuries. He is currently in stable condition and is expected to make a full recovery.

This shocking and senseless act of violence has left the community in shock and disbelief. The victim’s friends and family are outraged and are calling for justice to be served. They describe him as a kind and hardworking young man who did not deserve to be treated in such a brutal manner.

The police have launched an investigation and are currently searching for the perpetrators. They are asking anyone with information to come forward and assist with the investigation.

In the meantime, the community has come together to show their support for the victim. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help cover his medical expenses and to replace his stolen phone. The page has already received an overwhelming response, with many people donating and leaving messages of support for the victim.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of staying safe, especially in the early hours of the morning. It is also a reminder to always be aware of our surroundings and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

We must also come together as a community to condemn such acts of violence and to support the victims. It is heartwarming to see the outpouring of love and support for the victim, and it is a testament to the strength and unity of our community.

We hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice and that incidents like this will not happen again. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim and his loved ones during this difficult time. We stand with them and offer our full support.

In conclusion, let us use this unfortunate incident as a reminder to spread love and kindness in our community. Let us come together to support and protect each other, and to stand against violence and injustice. Together, we can make our community a safer and better place for everyone.