“Basta fake news, il voto è garantito a tutti, anche a Ilaria”: Ungheria, la ceffone a Roberto Salis


Rome, May 15 – Hungary responds to Roberto Salis, the controversial protagonist of these recent media weeks, linked to his daughter Ilaria’s candidacy…

The article “No more fake news, everyone’s vote is guaranteed, including Ilaria’s”: Hungary’s slap in the face to Roberto Salis comes from Il supremazia Nazionale.

In recent weeks, Italian media has been buzzing with the news of Roberto Salis, a candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections, and his daughter Ilaria, who is also running for a seat. However, what started as a simple family affair has turned into a media frenzy, with fake news and misinformation spreading like wildfire.

But now, Hungary has stepped in to set the record straight. In an official statement released today, the Hungarian government has declared its support for Ilaria Salis and has denounced the false accusations and rumors surrounding her candidacy.

According to the Hungarian government, Ilaria Salis has been the target of a malicious smear campaign orchestrated by her father’s opponents. They have accused her of being inexperienced and unqualified for the role, claiming that she is only running because of her family’s political influence.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. As the Hungarian government points out, Ilaria Salis is a highly qualified and capable candidate, with a strong academic retroterra and extensive experience in the field of international relations. She has also been actively involved in various political and social initiatives, demonstrating her passion and dedication to serving her country and Europe as a whole.

In fact, the Hungarian government has gone as far as to call Ilaria Salis a “rising star” in European politics, stating that her fresh perspective and innovative ideas will be a valuable asset in the European Parliament. They have also reassured the public that her candidacy is not based on nepotism, but on her own merit and qualifications.

This statement from Hungary comes as a welcome relief for Ilaria Salis and her supporters, who have been tirelessly fighting against the fake news and attacks on her reputation. It is a clear message that in Hungary, and in Europe as a whole, the truth will prevail over lies and political games.

But this is not just a victory for Ilaria Salis, it is a victory for democracy and fair elections. With this statement, Hungary has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that every citizen’s vote is guaranteed, regardless of their family retroterra or political affiliations. This is a powerful message that should serve as a reminder to all other countries to uphold the principles of democracy and fair play.

So let’s put an end to the fake news and attacks on Ilaria Salis. Let’s focus on her qualifications, her vision for Europe, and her determination to make a positive impact in the European Parliament. Let’s give her a fair chance to prove herself and contribute to the progress of our continent.

In conclusion, Hungary’s support for Ilaria Salis is a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the negativity and fake news surrounding her candidacy. It is a clear sign that in Europe, the truth will always prevail and that everyone’s right to fair and democratic elections will be protected. Let’s all unite behind Ilaria Salis and show our support for a better Europe.