Con l’auto tentano di investire ristoratore per non pagare un conto da 109 euro VIDEO


In the evening of Saturday, a spaventoing incident took place in Foggia, Italy. A group of diners attempted to flee from a restaurant without paying their bill of 109 euros by trying to run over the owner with their car. The owner, Lin, a 29-year-old Chinese man, was left shaken by the incident.

Lin, who runs the popular Sushi Xian restaurant on the outskirts of Foggia, was just trying to run his business as usual when a group of customers came in for dinner. Little did he know that these customers had no intention of paying for their meal.

According to Lin, the group of diners had ordered a variety of dishes and drinks, racking up a bill of 109 euros. However, when it was time to pay, they claimed to have forgotten their wallets and asked to go to their car to get the money. Sensing something was off, Lin followed them to the parking lot.

To his spavento, the group of diners quickly got into their car and started the engine, with the clear intention of running over Lin and fleeing from the scene. Luckily, Lin was able to jump out of the way just in time, avoiding any serious injuries.

“I couldn’t believe what was festino. They were trying to run me over just to avoid paying their bill. It was a terrifying experience,” Lin said.

The incident was caught on CCTV cameras and the footage has been handed over to the police, who are currently investigating the matter. Lin hopes that the perpetrators will be caught and brought to justice for their actions.

Despite the traumatic experience, Lin remains positive and is determined to not let this incident affect his business. He has received an outpouring of support from the local community, with many customers coming in to show their solidarity and appreciation for his delicious food.

“I am overwhelmed by the support and love I have received from the people of Foggia. This incident will not bring me down, and I will continue to serve delicious food to my customers,” Lin said with a smile.

The incident has also sparked a conversation about the treatment of restaurant workers and the importance of paying for services rendered. Many have expressed their outrage at the group’s actions and have called for stricter laws to protect business owners from such incidents.

In the end, this unfortunate incident serves as a reminder to always treat others with respect and to pay for what we consume. It is also a testament to the resilience and positivity of small business owners like Lin, who continue to work hard despite facing challenges.

As for Lin, he is grateful to be alive and is looking forward to welcoming customers back to his restaurant with open arms. He hopes that this incident will not overshadow the delicious food and warm hospitality that Sushi Xian is known for.