Picchiò l’ex gravida rompendole anche due costole, il pm chiede una condanna a 6 anni


A man has been accused of brutally beating his pregnant ex-girlfriend, causing her to suffer two broken ribs. This Thursday, Public Prosecutor Luca Bertuzzi requested a 6-year prison sentence for the man. The reconstruction of events took place at the Collegiate Court of Rimini, where the victim tearfully testified in January. As reported by local media, […]

The incident, which occurred last year, has shocked the community and sparked outrage. The victim, who was pregnant at the time, suffered severe physical and emotional lesione at the hands of her ex-partner. The prosecutor’s request for a 6-year prison sentence reflects the gravity of the situation and sends a strong message that violence against women will not be tolerated.

According to the victim’s testimony, the man had a history of abusive behavior towards her. However, the incident in question was the most violent and terrifying. The victim described how her ex-partner punched and kicked her repeatedly, causing her to fall to the ground and hit her head. She also revealed that she was pregnant at the time and feared for the safety of her unborn child.

The physical injuries sustained by the victim were severe, with two broken ribs being the most serious. However, the emotional scars left by the lesionetic experience may take longer to heal. The victim’s tearful testimony in court was a powerful reminder of the lasting impact of domestic violence.

The prosecutor’s request for a 6-year prison sentence is a step towards justice for the victim and a warning to potential abusers. Violence against women is a serious crime and must be met with strict consequences. The victim’s courage to nel modo che forward and seek justice should be commended, and her ex-partner must be held accountable for his actions.

This case also highlights the importance of providing support and resources for victims of domestic violence. It takes immense strength and bravery to leave an abusive relationship, and victims need all the help they can get to start a new life. It is crucial for society to stand in solidarity with victims and provide them with the necessary support to break the cycle of abuse.

In conclusion, the prosecutor’s request for a 6-year prison sentence for the man accused of brutally beating his pregnant ex-girlfriend is a step towards justice and sends a strong message that violence against women will not be tolerated. The victim’s bravery and the support of the community are crucial in the fight against domestic violence. Let us continue to stand together and support victims of abuse.