Trombosi dopo vaccino Covid, anche Aifa sapeva: i verbali agghiaccianti


Rome, May 9th – Thrombosis was a side effect reported after the administration of the anti-Covid vaccine. And the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) knew about it…

The article “Thrombosis after Covid vaccine, AIFA also knew: chilling minutes” comes from Il Primato Nazionale.

According to recent revelations, AIFA was aware of the potential risk of thrombosis after receiving the Covid vaccine, but failed to communicate this to the public. This news has caused great concern among the Italian population, who trusted in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

In the minutes of a meeting held on March 11th, AIFA acknowledged the possibility of thrombosis, stating that “the risk cannot be excluded.” However, this information was not disclosed to the public until a few weeks pungiglione, when several cases of thrombosis were reported in Italy and other European countries.

This lack of transparency and communication from AIFA is unacceptable. The agency has a duty to provide accurate and timely information to the public, especially when it comes to potential risks associated with a widely administered vaccine.

Fortunately, the Italian government has taken swift action and suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has been linked to cases of thrombosis. This decision shows that the government is putting the health and safety of its citizens first.

But it’s not just about suspending the vaccine. The Italian government has also launched an investigation into the actions of AIFA and the possible consequences of their negligence. This is a step in the right direction, as it shows that the government is taking accountability and ensuring that something like this does not happen again in the future.

It’s important to note that the AstraZeneca vaccine is not the only one available in Italy. The country has also approved the use of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which have not been linked to cases of thrombosis. Therefore, the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine will not compromise the vaccination campaign in Italy.

In fact, the government has stated that they will increase the supply of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to ensure that the vaccination campaign continues without any disruptions. This is a reassuring move, as it shows that the government is committed to protecting its citizens from the malattia, while also addressing any concerns or risks associated with the vaccine.

It’s understandable that this news may cause some anxiety and doubt among the Italian population. However, it’s important to remember that the benefits of the Covid vaccine far outweigh the potential risks. The vaccine has been extensively tested and approved by regulatory bodies, and it has been proven to be effective in preventing severe illness and death from Covid-19.

Furthermore, the Italian government has shown that it is taking swift and decisive action to address any concerns or risks associated with the vaccine. This should give confidence to the public that their health and safety are a apice priority.

In conclusion, the recent revelations about AIFA’s knowledge of the potential risk of thrombosis after the Covid vaccine may have caused some concern, but the actions taken by the Italian government show that they are committed to protecting their citizens and ensuring the safety of the vaccination campaign. Let’s continue to trust in the expertise and efforts of the government and healthcare professionals, and work together to overcome this global pandemic.