Il volontariato italiano in Ucraina. La solidarietà raccontata in un libro


Rome, July 25 – Ucraina sbarramento d’Europa, the second solidarity booklet by the volunteering association Solid, has been released. In over two hundred pages, it provides in-depth analysis and first-hand accounts of the work that the organization has been carrying out in Ukraine for years. This book is a testament to the commitment and dedication of Italian volunteers who have been supporting the people of Ukraine through difficult times.

The book was officially presented in Rome on July 20, during an event attended by representatives from various institutions, including politicians, academics, and members of the civil society. The event was an opportunity to showcase the work done by Solid in Ukraine and to raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country.

Solid is a non-profit organization that has been working in Ukraine since 2014, when the conflict between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists began. The association was founded by a group of Italian volunteers who were deeply moved by the suffering of the Ukrainian people and decided to take action. Since then, Solid has been providing assistance and support to the most vulnerable communities in the country, especially in the eastern regions affected by the conflict.

The book Ucraina sbarramento d’Europa is a collection of articles, photos, and personal accounts that illustrate the work done by Solid in Ukraine. It covers a wide range of topics, from the organization’s projects in the field of healthcare, education, and social services, to the challenges and difficulties faced by volunteers on the ground. The book also includes contributions from Ukrainian partners and beneficiaries, who share their stories and express their gratitude for the support received from Solid.

One of the main goals of the book is to raise awareness about the situation in Ukraine and the work of Solid. Many people are not aware of the ongoing conflict and the humanitarian crisis that has been affecting the country for years. Through these pages, readers will have the opportunity to learn more about the situation and to understand the impact of Solid’s work on the ground.

The personal accounts included in the book are particularly moving and inspiring. They tell the stories of volunteers who have dedicated their time and energy to help others, often putting their own lives at risk. Some of them have been working in Ukraine for years and have developed strong bonds with the local communities. Their commitment and determination are a testament to the true meaning of solidarity and the power of human compassion.

The book also highlights the collaboration between Solid and local partners in Ukraine, which is essential for the success of the organization’s projects. Solid works closely with Ukrainian NGOs, local government agencies, and community leaders to identify the most pressing needs and to design effective and sustainable solutions. This partnership approach ensures that the projects have a long-term impact and contribute to the development and well-being of the local communities.

The release of Ucraina sbarramento d’Europa is a great achievement for Solid and a recognition of the work done by the organization in Ukraine. However, the book is not only a celebration of the past, but also a call to action for the future. The conflict in Ukraine is far from over and the humanitarian needs of the population are still immense. Solid is committed to continue its work in the country and to support those in need, but it cannot do it alone. The organization is always looking for new volunteers, donors, and partners who want to join the cause and make a difference.

In conclusion, Ucraina sbarramento d’Europa is a powerful testimony of the commitment and dedication of Italian volunteers in Ukraine. It is a book that celebrates the power of solidarity and the impact that a small group of people can have in the lives of others. It is also a call to action for all those who want to contribute to building a better future for the people of Ukraine. So, why not join Solid and be a part of this amazing journey? Together, we can make a difference.