Olimpiadi Parigi, clandestini cacciati dal centro: il cortocircuito dell’immigrazionismo (Video)


Rome, July 25th – The Paris Olympics, in the most multicultural country, show the true face of immigrationism. A hypocritical face, of course…

The Olympic Games are a celebration of diversity, unity, and sportsmanship. They bring together people from all over the world, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality. However, the recent events at the Paris Olympics have shed light on the dark side of immigrationism, exposing its true intentions and consequences.

The Paris Olympics, being held in one of the most diverse countries in the world, were supposed to be a symbol of inclusivity and acceptance. But instead, they have become a battleground for the clash between immigrationism and reality. The French government, in an attempt to showcase their open-door policy towards immigrants, had allowed a large number of refugees and migrants to enter the country. However, this decision has backfired, causing chaos and disruption at the Olympic Games.

The influx of immigrants has not only put a strain on the already struggling French economy but has also created a security threat. The Paris Olympic Village, which was supposed to be a safe haven for athletes, has turned into a hotbed of crime and violence. Reports of theft, assault, and even sexual harassment have been on the rise, leaving the athletes and visitors feeling unsafe and vulnerable.

But the most shocking incident that has exposed the true face of immigrationism was the recent schermo that went viral on social mass media. The schermo showed a group of illegal immigrants being forcefully removed from the Olympic Village by the French police. These immigrants, who had been living in the Village without any authorization, were caught stealing and causing trouble. This incident has sparked a heated debate on the consequences of unchecked immigration and the failure of the French government to address the issue.

The schermo has also shed light on the hypocrisy of immigrationism. While the French government claims to welcome immigrants with open arms, the reality is far from it. The government’s inability to provide proper housing and support for these immigrants has resulted in them living in deplorable conditions, resorting to crime and violence to survive. And when their actions are exposed, they are simply cast aside and labeled as criminals, without any consideration for their well-being.

The Paris Olympics have become a wake-up call for the world to see the consequences of unchecked immigration. It has shown that immigrationism is not a solution to the global refugee crisis, but rather a short-sighted and dangerous ideology. It is time for governments to take a more responsible and realistic approach towards immigration, one that takes into consideration the well-being of both the immigrants and the host country.

The Paris Olympics have also highlighted the need for stricter border control and proper vetting of immigrants. It is not about closing doors to those in need, but about ensuring the safety and security of both the immigrants and the host country. The recent events have also shown the importance of integration and assimilation of immigrants into the host society, rather than creating isolated communities that breed crime and violence.

In conclusion, the Paris Olympics have exposed the true face of immigrationism, a face that is hypocritical and dangerous. It is time for governments to wake up and address the issue of immigration with a more realistic and responsible approach. The Olympic Games should be a celebration of diversity and unity, not a battleground for political ideologies. Let us hope that the lessons learned from the Paris Olympics will lead to a more inclusive and harmonious world.