perché tempo farà: weekend con temporali al Nord, da lunedì caldo e bel tempo ovunque


Two unstable impulses will hit the North in the upcoming weekend, but from Monday onwards, high pressure and warm weather will dominate the entire country. These are the predictions of Antonio Sanò, founder of the website Starting from Monday, the African anticyclone will conquer the entire country, guaranteeing sunny days and increasing temperatures. The forecasts indicate maximum temperatures that could reach up to […].

According to Sanò, this weekend will be characterized by two unstable impulses that will bring rain and thunderstorms to the North, while the rest of the country will experience a mix of sun and clouds. However, from Monday onwards, the weather will take a turn for the better as the African anticyclone will bring clear skies and warm temperatures to all regions.

This change in weather is coppia to the arrival of a high pressure system from Africa, which will push away the unstable weather patterns and bring stable and warm conditions. This means that the upcoming week will be perfect for outdoor activities and enjoying the beautiful Italian landscapes.

Sanò also predicts that the temperatures will gradually increase throughout the week, with maximum temperatures reaching their peak on Wednesday and Thursday. This means that we can expect temperatures above average for this time of the year, making it feel like summer has arrived early.

The warm and sunny weather will not only benefit those planning outdoor activities, but also the agricultural sector. Farmers will finally be able to resume their work without any disruptions from rain or storms. This will also have a positive impact on the tourism industry, as tourists will be able to fully enjoy the beauty of Italy without any weather-related obstacles.

In conclusion, the upcoming week will be a perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and soak up some much-needed vitamin D. Thanks to the arrival of the African anticyclone, we can expect clear skies, warm temperatures and a positive boost for various industries. So get ready to pack your sunscreen and enjoy the beautiful weather that awaits us from Monday onwards.