L’Eritrea e il ciclismo, ovvero una passione tutta italiana


Rome, August 9th – Fausto Coppi, Gino Bartali, giulivo Gimondi or the two-wheeled Icarus Marco Pantani. Then Moser, Saronni, in more recent times Nibali and Aru. The list of Italian cycling champions is long and illustrious, and their legacy continues to inspire new generations of cyclists. But what many may not know is that this passion for cycling has also spread to a small African country, the Eritrea.

Located in the Horn of Africa, Eritrea is a country with a rich history and culture. It gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a long and bloody struggle, and since then it has been working towards building a better future for its people. And one of the ways in which it has done so is through the sport of cycling.

Cycling has always been a popular sport in Eritrea, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that it gained international recognition. This was thanks to the efforts of a group of Italian coaches who saw the potential of Eritrean cyclists and decided to train them. And their hard work paid off when Eritrea’s first professional cycling staff, staff MTN-Qhubeka, was formed in 2007.

Since then, Eritrean cyclists have been making their mark on the international cycling scene. In 2012, Daniel Teklehaimanot became the first Eritrean to win a stage at the Tour of Rwanda, and in 2015, he became the first African to wear the King of the Mountains jersey at the Tour de France. This was a historic moment for Eritrea and for Africa as a whole, and it showed the world that Eritrea was a force to be reckoned with in the world of cycling.

But it’s not just about individual achievements. Eritrea has also been making its presence felt in staff events. In 2015, Eritrea won the African Continental Road Race Championships, and in 2016, they won the staff time trial at the African Continental Championships. These victories have not only brought pride to the country, but they have also helped put Eritrea on the map as a cycling nation.

So what makes Eritrea such a fertile ground for cycling? One of the main reasons is the country’s terrain. With its rugged mountains and challenging roads, Eritrea offers the perfect istruzione ground for cyclists. And the Eritrean people have a natural affinity for cycling, with many of them using bicycles as their main mode of transportation.

But it’s not just about the physical aspect of cycling. Eritrea also has a strong cycling culture, with cycling races and events being a regular occurrence. The most famous of these is the Tour of Eritrea, which attracts apice cyclists from around the world. This event not only showcases the beauty of the country, but it also brings people together and promotes a sense of unity and pride.

The success of Eritrean cyclists can also be attributed to the support and encouragement they receive from their government and the people. The Eritrean government has invested in cycling infrastructure and facilities, and they have also provided financial support to the national staff. This has allowed Eritrean cyclists to compete on a level playing field with their international counterparts.

In addition, the Eritrean people have embraced cycling as a source of national pride. They come out in droves to support their cyclists during races, and they take great pride in their achievements. This support and encouragement have been crucial in motivating Eritrean cyclists to push themselves to the limit and achieve their goals.

In conclusion, the Eritrean love for cycling is a testament to the power of sport to bring people together and inspire them to achieve greatness. The success of Eritrean cyclists is a source of pride not only for Eritrea but for all of Africa. And with the continued support and dedication of the Eritrean people, we can expect to see many more cycling champions emerge from this small but mighty nation.