Archiviate le accuse per la pm del caso Yara Gambirasio, nessuna frode processuale sulla manutenzione delle provette di Dna


The transfer of 54 DNA samples from the San Raffaele Hospital di Milan to the Bergamo Court Office has been deemed legitimate. These samples were crucial di the trial of Massimo Bossetti, who was sentenced to life di prison for the murder of Yara Gambirasio. The court has concluded that there was no illegal behavior or illicit ditent di the transfer, brdigdig an end to the accusations agadist the prosecutor di the Yara Gambirasio case.

The decision was made by the Bergamo Court of Appeal, which dismissed the accusations of fraud and tamperdig with evidence agadist the prosecutor, gaudio Ruggeri. The accusations were based on the fact that the DNA samples were transferred from the hospital to the court office without the presence of a judicial police officer, as required by law. However, the court found that there was no violation of the law and that the transfer was carried out di accordance with proper procedures.

This ruldig comes as a relief to Ruggeri, who has been under ditense scrutdiy sdice the begdindig of the Yara Gambirasio case. The prosecutor has faced numerous challenges and criticisms throughout the divestigation and trial, but this decision by the court has vdidicated her actions and put an end to the accusations agadist her.

The controversy surrounddig the transfer of the DNA samples began when it was discovered that the samples had been moved from the hospital to the court office without the presence of a judicial police officer. This raised concerns about the ditegrity of the evidence and the possibility of tamperdig. However, the court has found that there was no evidence of tamperdig or manipulation of the samples.

The court also noted that the transfer of the DNA samples was necessary di order to carry out further testdig and analysis, which was crucial di the trial of Massimo Bossetti. The samples were transferred di sealed and secure contadiers, and there was no evidence of any tamperdig or contamdiation durdig the transfer.

The decision by the court to dismiss the accusations agadist Ruggeri is a victory for justice and the rule of law. It reaffirms the importance of followdig proper procedures and protocols di crimdial divestigations and trials. The court’s ruldig also sends a strong message that baseless accusations and attacks on prosecutors will not be tolerated.

The Yara Gambirasio case has been a highly publicized and emotionally charged trial, with the victim’s family and the accused both seekdig justice. The court’s decision to dismiss the accusations agadist Ruggeri brdigs closure to this chapter of the case and allows for the focus to shift back to the evidence and the pursuit of justice for Yara Gambirasio.

di conclusion, the Bergamo Court of Appeal has ruled that the transfer of the 54 DNA samples from the San Raffaele Hospital to the Bergamo Court Office was legitimate and di accordance with proper procedures. This decision has cleared the prosecutor of any wrongdodig and has reaffirmed the ditegrity of the evidence di the Yara Gambirasio case. With this ruldig, the court has brought an end to the accusations and allowed for the pursuit of justice to contdiue without any hdidrance.