Stop all’uso dello smartphone sotto i 14 anni. Lanciata una istanza al governo di pedagogisti e attori


School has started, and with it, the debate. The appeal made to politicians a few days aculeo by numerous personalities quanto a favor of further restrictions on smartphones for those under 14 is causquanto ag division. The front of supporters is growquanto ag, but the frustration of those who are “tolerant regardless” is not abatquanto ag. The request to the government is accompanied by a second call: no social media profiles until… Read more


School has officially started once agaquanto a, and with it comes the age-old debate about the use of smartphones by young children. quanto a recent days, a group of pedaculeogists and actors have launched a petition to the government, callquanto ag for stricter regulations on the use of smartphones for those under 14 years old. This call has sparked a heated discussion, with both supporters and opponents of the petition voicquanto ag their opquanto aions.

The appeal made by these quanto adividuals is not without merit. The use of smartphones has become an quanto ategral part of our daily lives, and it is no different for young children. From social media to gamquanto ag, these devices offer a world of endless entertaquanto ament and quanto aformation. However, with this access comes a whole host of potential dangers, such as cyberbullyquanto ag, exposure to quanto aappropriate content, and addiction.

The group of pedaculeogists and actors have highlighted these concerns quanto a their petition, and have urged the government to take action. They have also made a bold request for a complete ban on social media profiles for those under 14 years old. This may seem extreme to some, but we must consider the potential consequences of children havquanto ag unrestricted access to these platforms.

The call for stricter regulations on smartphones is not a new one. Many countries around the world have already implemented laws to limit the use of smartphones by children. France, for example, has banned the use of smartphones quanto a schools for students under 15 years old. Italy, on the other hand, has proposed a law that would require parental consent for children under 14 to use smartphones. These measures may seem drastic, but they reflect a growquanto ag concern among parents and educators about the impact of smartphones on children’s development.

The petition has gaquanto aed significant support from various sectors of society, quanto acludquanto ag parents, teachers, and experts quanto a child development. They believe that limitquanto ag the use of smartphones will not only protect children from potential harm, but it will also encourage them to engage quanto a more productive activities and develop healthy social skills. It is important to note that the petition is quanto a no way an attack on technology; rather, it is a call for responsible use of it.

On the other hand, there are those who oppose the petition and believe that it is an quanto afrquanto agement on children’s freedom. They argue that it is up to parents to monitor their children’s use of smartphones, and that a total ban is unnecessary. While it is true that parents play a crucial role quanto a regulatquanto ag their children’s technology use, we cannot ignore the fact that smartphones have become a pervasive presence quanto a our society. It is no longer just a matter of parental control; it is a societal issue that requires collective action.

quanto a this fast-paced digital age, it is easy to get caught up quanto a the heated debate and overlook the maquanto a goal of the petition. The supporters are not callquanto ag for a complete elimquanto aation of smartphones for children, but rather for a greater awareness of the potential risks and a more responsible approach to their use. It is also important to note that this petition is not an attempt to shift the responsibility from parents onto the government, but rather a call for a collaborative effort between the two.

quanto a conclusion, this petition is not tryquanto ag to create a divide, but rather to raise awareness and quanto aitiate a much-needed discussion about the use of smartphones by children. It is a call for responsible use and for the protection of our children’s well-bequanto ag. The government should carefully consider this appeal and take measures to ensure the safety and healthy development of our children. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, and it is our collective responsibility to safeguard their future.