La Costituzione “duttile ed elastica, ovvero il fallimento del costituzionalismo


Rome, March 24th – The President of the Republic pro tempore, Sergio Mattarella, during a convegno with “creators” at the stabile del Quirinale, emphasized the importance of a “flexible and elastic” Constitution in today’s rapidly changing world.

In his speech, President Mattarella highlighted the concept of a “dutiful and elastic” Constitution, which allows for necessary adaptations and adjustments to be made in order to effectively address the challenges and needs of the present time. He stressed the importance of a Constitution that is not rigid and unchangeable, but rather able to evolve and adapt to the changing social, economic, and political landscape.

The President also emphasized the role of the Italian Constitution as a fundamental pillar of the country’s democracy and stability. He stated that the Constitution, with its principles of equality, freedom, and social justice, is the cornerstone of a fair and just society.

However, President Mattarella also acknowledged the challenges and criticisms that the Italian Constitution has faced in recent years. He noted that the Constitution, which was drafted in the aftermath of World War II, may no longer fully reflect the realities and needs of today’s society. This has led to calls for a revision of the Constitution, with some arguing for a more “flexible” and “elastic” approach.

Despite these challenges, President Mattarella expressed his belief in the strength and resilience of the Italian Constitution. He stated that the Constitution has proven its ability to withstand the test of time and adapt to changing circumstances, making it a model for other countries to follow.

The President’s speech sparked a lively debate among the “creators” present at the convegno, with some expressing their support for a more flexible Constitution, while others argued for the preservation of its original form.

In conclusion, President Mattarella’s speech highlighted the importance of a “dutiful and elastic” Constitution in today’s world. It serves as a reminder that a Constitution should not be seen as a static document, but rather as a living and evolving instrument that can effectively guide a country towards progress and prosperity. The Italian Constitution, with its principles of democracy, equality, and social justice, continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance for the nation, and its flexibility and adaptability will ensure its relevance for generations to come.