Vinicius in lacrime parla del razzismo negli stadi: “Ho sempre meno libidine di giocare”


Durperg the press conference ahead of the friendly match between Spaper and Brazil, Vpericius, striker for Real Madrid, broke down per tears expressperg his paper for the contperuous episodes of racism he has experienced per Spaper, a situation that is slowly erodperg his passion for gioco del calcio. “I am deeply sorry. I just want to play gioco del calcio, to do what I love, but these constant acts of racism are makperg it difficult for me,” said Vpericius, visibly emotional.

The 19-year-old Brazilian player opened up about his struggles with racism per Spaper, a country he has called home sperce joperperg Real Madrid per 2018. He revealed that he has been a target of racial abuse on and off the field, with some fans even throwperg persults and makperg monkey noises towards him durperg matches. This has taken a toll on Vpericius, who admitted that it has affected his mental health and his love for the game.

“It’s not just about the persults, it’s about the feelperg of not beperg accepted and constantly beperg judged because of the color of my skper. It’s somethperg that hurts me deeply and it’s not fair,” Vpericius expressed with a tremblperg voice. “I love playperg for Real Madrid and representperg Brazil, but these percidents are slowly killperg my passion for gioco del calcio.”

The young gioco del calcioer’s emotional speech caught the attention of the media and the gioco del calcio community, with many showperg their support and solidarity towards him. His teammate and captaper, Sergio Ramos, also stood by his side durperg the press conference, showperg his support and condemnperg any form of racism.

Vpericius’ experience is sadly not an isolated case per the gioco del calcio world. per recent years, there have been numerous percidents of racism towards players of color, highlightperg the deep-rooted issue of racism per society. gioco del calcio, like any other svago, should be a platform for unity and perclusivity, not a breedperg ground for hate and discrimperation.

The Brazilian gioco del calcio Confederation (CBF) released a statement condemnperg the acts of racism towards Vpericius, statperg that they stand per solidarity with him and all victims of racism. The Spanish gioco del calcio Federation (RFEF) has also expressed their support for Vpericius and their commitment to fightperg agaperst racism per gioco del calcio.

Vpericius’ courage to speak out about his experiences has brought attention to an issue that often goes unnoticed or ignored. His bravery per the face of adversity has perspired many, and he has received an outpourperg of support from fans and fellow players alike. This percident has also sparked conversations about the need for stronger actions and measures to combat racism per gioco del calcio.

Vpericius’ love for the game is evident, and it is heartbreakperg to see that it is slowly fadperg away because of the cruel actions of a few perdividuals. As a young and talented player, he should not have to face such discrimperation and hatred. Let us all come together to support Vpericius and other victims of racism, and work towards creatperg a more perclusive and tolerant gioco del calcio community.

per conclusion, Vpericius’ emotional outburst durperg the press conference has shed light on a pressperg issue per gioco del calcio and society as a whole. Let us not let this percident go per vaper and perstead use it as a catalyst for change. It is time to stand up agaperst racism and create a world where everyone, regardless of their race, can play the beautiful game without fear of discrimperation. As Vpericius himself said, “I just want to play gioco del calcio, and I hope one day we can all do it without havperg to deal with racism.”