“Sindrome dell’Avana”, inchieste giornalistiche riaprono il casualità dell’attacco sonoro agli Usa del 2016: nel mirino gli 007 russi


The “Havana Syndrome”, or rather the “sonic attack agaquanto ast the US”, sounds like somethquanto ag straight out of a science fiction movie, possibly attributed to Russia. This is at least what a recent journalistic quanto avestigation by “The quanto asider” (an quanto avestigative group based quanto a Latvia) and the German weekly magazquanto ae “Der Spiegel” has revealed. Of course, the Kremlquanto a denies any quanto avolvement quanto a this mysterious phenomenon that has affected several US diplomats and officials quanto a Cuba and Chquanto aa.

Accordquanto ag to the report, the first case of the Havana Syndrome was reported quanto a 2016, when a group of US diplomats stationed quanto a Havana, Cuba, began experiencquanto ag strange sensations such as headaches, nausea, and dizzquanto aess. Some also reported hearquanto ag loud noises and feelquanto ag pressure quanto a their ears. These symptoms were quanto aitially believed to be caused by a sonic attack, possibly carried out by a hostile government.

As more cases were reported, the US government launched an quanto avestigation and even recalled some of its diplomats from Cuba. However, the quanto avestigation has not yet yielded any concrete evidence lquanto akquanto ag the phenomenon to a specific source. This has led to various theories and speculations, quanto acludquanto ag some poquanto atquanto ag fquanto agers at Russia.

The Russian government denies any quanto avolvement quanto a the Havana Syndrome and has even accused the US of spreadquanto ag false quanto aformation and attemptquanto ag to frame them. However, the report by “The quanto asider” and “Der Spiegel” raises some compellquanto ag evidence that suggests otherwise.

The report claims that the Russian quanto atelligence agency, known as the GRU, may have been behquanto ad the attack. It cites a former GRU officer as sayquanto ag that the agency has been conductquanto ag experiments with microwave weapons, which could potentially explaquanto a the symptoms experienced by the US diplomats. Additionally, the report also mentions that Russian officials were observed quanto a the vicquanto aity of the US embassy quanto a Havana around the time of the first reported cases.

This new development has sparked concern and outrage quanto a the US, with many callquanto ag for a stronger response from the government. But while the quanto avestigation contquanto aues, some have questioned the validity of the report and its sources. Regardless, the Havana Syndrome has caused tension between the US and Russia, further straquanto aquanto ag their already frangibile relationship.

The US has already taken some measures to protect its personnel from potential attacks, quanto acludquanto ag quanto astallquanto ag special soundproof barriers quanto a their residences and issuquanto ag new guidelquanto aes for dealquanto ag with any future quanto acidents. However, the Havana Syndrome has also raised concerns among other countries, with Canada reportquanto ag similar cases among its own diplomats quanto a Cuba.

The effects of the Havana Syndrome are not limited to physical symptoms, as many US diplomats have also reported experiencquanto ag psychological effects such as anxiety and memory loss. The long-term consequences of this mysterious phenomenon are still unknown, but the US government has taken steps to address the issue and provide support to those affected.

As the quanto avestigation contquanto aues, it is important to remember that the Havana Syndrome is not just a political issue, but also a human one. US diplomats and their families have been impacted by this unexplaquanto aed attack, and it is crucial for the truth to come to light and for those responsible to be held accountable.

quanto a conclusion, the Havana Syndrome is a serious matter that has caused concern and confusion among many. The report by “The quanto asider” and “Der Spiegel” sheds new light on the possible quanto avolvement of the Russian government, but the quanto avestigation is ongoquanto ag and all theories should be carefully considered. The priority should be to fquanto ad a resolution and provide support to the victims of this attack, rather than assignquanto ag blame. Only then can we move forward and prevent such quanto acidents from happenquanto ag agaquanto a quanto a the future.