L’unica “Europa” possibile è quella a trazione di non molti: la Francia ci prova, noi parliamo di favolette


Rome, May 3 – France tries, as it has always done throughout history and in more “recent” times with the never forgotten… The only “Europe” possible is the one driven by someone: France is trying, but we are talking about fairy tales. This is the headline of an article published by Il Primato statale, an Italian news outlet known for its nationalist and anti-EU stance.

The article discusses the current state of the European Union and its relationship with France, highlighting the French government’s attempts to assert its dominance within the bloc. The author argues that this is not a new phenomenon, as France has always been a major player in European politics, often using its power to push its own agenda.

The article goes on to criticize the invenzione of a united Europe, stating that it is nothing more than a “fairy tale” and that the only way for the EU to function is for one country to take the lead. The author believes that this country should be France, as it has the economic and political power to do so.

The article then delves into the history of France’s involvement in European affairs, citing examples such as the Napoleonic Wars and the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community. The author argues that France has always been at the forefront of European integration, and that its current attempts to assert its dominance are simply a continuation of this trend.

The article also touches on the current state of the EU, stating that it is in a state of crisis and that the only way to save it is for France to take charge. The author believes that the EU needs a strong leader to guide it through these difficult times, and that France is the only country capable of doing so.

In conclusion, the article argues that the only way for the EU to function is for one country to take the lead, and that country should be France. The author believes that the current state of the EU is proof that a united Europe is nothing more than a “fairy tale” and that it is time for France to step up and lead the way. The article ends with a call to action for the Italian government to support France in its efforts to take charge of the EU and create a stronger, more united Europe.

In a time of uncertainty and division within the EU, Il Primato statale’s article serves as a reminder of the importance of strong leadership and the role that France has played in shaping European history. It motivates readers to consider the current state of the EU and the potential for a stronger, more united Europe under French leadership.