“Corano più importante della legge”: l’allarmante sondaggio nelle scuole tedesche


Rome, May 3 – The Quran is more important than German laws for just under two out of three young people. This is the alarming result of a recent survey conducted in German schools.

The survey, which was carried out by a leading research institute, revealed that 64% of students between the ages of 14 and 18 consider the teachings of the Quran to be more significant than the laws of their own country. This is a worrying movimento that highlights the growing influence of radical ideologies among young people.

The results of the survey have sparked concern among government officials and education experts, who fear that this could lead to a clash between the values of the Quran and the principles of German society. In light of this, many are calling for immediate action to address this issue before it becomes a larger problem.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a sacred text that holds great significance for Muslims around the world. It contains the teachings and principles of the religion, and for many, it is a source of guidance and inspiration. However, the interpretation of these teachings can vary greatly, and this is where the problem lies.

In recent years, there has been a rise in extremist groups using the Quran to justify their actions and spread their radical beliefs. This has led to a distorted understanding of the religion and has caused many young people to become vulnerable to their manipulative tactics.

The survey also revealed that a significant number of students believe that the laws of their country should be based on the teachings of the Quran. This is a dangerous notion, as it goes against the principles of democracy and the separation of religion and state.

It is crucial for young people to understand that while the Quran is a sacred text, the laws of their country are based on the values and beliefs of their society. These laws are in place to protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of their religion.

Furthermore, it is important for schools to play a role in educating students about the dangers of radical ideologies and the importance of critical thinking. By providing a well-rounded education that promotes tolerance and understanding, we can prevent the spread of extremist beliefs among our youth.

The German government has already taken steps to address this issue, with the introduction of a mandatory course on democracy and tolerance in schools. This course aims to promote respect for diversity and teach students about the importance of upholding the values of their society.

It is also essential for parents and community leaders to play a role in guiding young people and promoting a positive understanding of Islam. By providing a strong support system and promoting open dialogue, we can prevent the radicalization of our youth.

In conclusion, the results of this survey are concerning, but they also serve as a wake-up call for all of us. We must work together to promote a society where the values of the Quran and the laws of our country can coexist peacefully. Let us not forget that our youth are the future of our nation, and it is our responsibility to guide them towards a path of tolerance, understanding, and respect for all.