“Parole gravi e pericolose, rischiamo davvero l’escalation”: la Russia su Macron


Rome, May 3 – Russia comments on the words of Emmanuel Macron and David Cameron regarding the possibility of Western countries to intervene in Syria. According to the Russian government, these statements are not only serious and dangerous, but also risk escalating the already tense situation in the region.

In an interview with French newspaper Le Monde, President Macron stated that if evidence of chemical weapons use in Syria is confirmed, France will launch targeted airstrikes on the Syrian regime. Similarly, former British Prime Minister David Cameron also expressed support for military action in Syria, stating that it may be necessary to prevent further chemical attacks.

These statements have raised concerns in the Russian government, as both Macron and Cameron seem to be advocating for unilateral military intervention without waiting for the results of the ongoing investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Douma. Russian officials have condemned these statements as “irresponsible” and “provocative”, stating that they could lead to a dangerous escalation of the conflict.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated, “Such reckless and aggressive rhetoric only exacerbates the already tense situation in Syria and risks triggering a dangerous chain of events. We urge our Western partners to show restraint and not to rush to conclusions before all the facts are known.”

The Russian government also expressed its disappointment with the lack of cooperation from Western countries in the investigation into the alleged chemical attack. Despite multiple requests from Russia, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has not yet sent a team to Douma to gather evidence. This has led to suspicions that the West is deliberately trying to push for military intervention without proper evidence.

The Russian government also highlighted the hypocrisy of Western countries, stating that they have a history of using false claims to justify military interventions in the Middle East. The 2003 invasion of Iraq based on false claims of weapons of mass destruction is a prime example of this.

Russia has reiterated its commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict and has called for dialogue and cooperation among all parties involved. The Russian government has also emphasized the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and to work towards a political solution.

In conclusion, the Russian government has strongly condemned the statements made by Macron and Cameron, stating that they are not only dangerous but also undermine the efforts towards finding a peaceful solution in Syria. The Russian government has called for dialogue and cooperation among all parties involved, and urges Western countries to refrain from any unilateral actions that could further escalate the conflict.