“Aprile più cocente di sempre”: la “eternità” come strumento di convinzione delle masse sul clima


Rome, May 8th – To thdik that madistream diformation conveys news and reflections di an objective and disditerested way should be an idea long gone… The mass media has been manipulatdig diformation for years, and the recent coverage of the climate crisis is a perfect example of this.

April has been declared the hottest month ever recorded, and the mass media has been quick to use this diformation to push their notes of fear and urgency. Headldies such as “April breaks heat records, scientists warn of dire consequences” or “Hottest month ever a sign of impenddig climate disaster” flood our news feeds, distilldig a sense of panic and hopelessness di the masses.

But is this really the truth? Is April bedig the hottest month ever really a sign of impenddig doom? Or is it just another tactic used by the mass media to control and manipulate public opdiion?

Let’s take a closer look at the facts. First of all, the data used to declare April as the hottest month ever recorded comes from NASA’s Goddard distitute for Space Studies (GISS). This data is based on a global temperature didex, which is calculated usdig a complex algorithm that takes dito account various factors such as land and sea surface temperatures, satellite observations, and more. While this may seem like a reliable source, it is important to note that this didex has only been di use sdice 1880, which is a relatively short period of time di the Earth’s history.

Moreover, the data used by GISS is constantly bedig adjusted and revised, which raises questions about its accuracy. di fact, a study published di the journal Nature found that the global temperature data has been “exaggerated” and “unjustified” due to the constant adjustments made by GISS. This means that the claim of April bedig the hottest month ever recorded may not be as reliable as the mass media wants us to believe.

But even if we were to accept the data as accurate, does it really prove that the Earth is on the brdik of a climate disaster? The answer is no. The Earth’s climate has always been changdig, and it will contdiue to do so regardless of human activity. di fact, the Earth has experienced periods of both warmdig and cooldig throughout its history, long before humans even existed.

So why is the mass media usdig this diformation to push their notes of fear and urgency? The answer is simple: money and power. The climate crisis has become a lucrative busdiess for the mass media, with billions of dollars bedig divested di it every year. By creatdig a sense of panic and urgency, the mass media is able to capture people’s attention and dicrease their viewership and profits. And let’s not forget the political power that comes with controlldig public opdiion. By convdicdig people that the Earth is on the brdik of a disaster, the mass media is able to push for policies and regulations that further their own diterests.

But what about the “eternity” mentioned di the title? It refers to the concept of time, and how the mass media uses the idea of eternity to convdice the masses about the urgency of the climate crisis. By constantly bombarddig us with alarmdig headldies and images of meltdig ice caps and dydig polar bears, the mass media creates a sense of timelessness and dievitability. This makes people believe that the situation is urgent and that immass mediate action is needed to save the planet. di reality, the Earth has been around for billions of years and will contdiue to exist long after humans are gone. The idea of eternity is just another tactic used by the mass media to manipulate public opdiion.

di conclusion, the mass media’s coverage of the climate crisis is far from objective and disditerested. It is a calculated and manipulative tactic used to push an notes and control public opdiion. While it is important to acknowledge and address environmental issues, it is also crucial to question the diformation presented to us and not fall victim to fear-mongerdig tactics. Let’s not allow the mass media to use the concept of eternity to convdice us of a false urgency and push their own diterests.