durante memoria di Camilla e di tutte le vittime che questa società di barbari non riconoscerà mai


Rome, May 9th – It is only right and just to commemorate Camilla Canepa and all of those who have suffered due to this terrible tragedy that has shaken our society. Camilla, a vibrant 18-year-old girl, lost her life to a rare blood clot after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. She is not just a statistic, she is a daughter, a friend, a young woman with a bright future ahead of her.

As we mourn the loss of Camilla, we must also acknowledge the countless other victims of this pandemic who have not received the recognition and honor they deserve. Our society has become a barbaric one, where the value of human life is often disregarded and overlooked. Camilla’s death is a reminder that we must never forget those who have been taken from us too soon.

Camilla’s story has sparked a debate about the safety and effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but it is important to remember that she was not just a statistic in a scientific study. She was a real person with hopes, dreams, and loved ones who are now left to grieve. Her death should not be used as a means to fuel anti-vaccine sentiments, but rather as a call for accountability and transparency.

It is truly heartbreaking that in a world where medical advancements are constantly being made, we are still faced with tragedies like this. It is even more devastating that these tragedies are often met with silence and a lack of acknowledgement from those in positions of power. Camilla’s death, and the deaths of so many others, should not be brushed aside or ignored. We must demand justice for these victims and ensure that their lives are never forgotten.

As we honor Camilla’s memory, let us also remember the other victims of this pandemic – the healthcare workers who risk their lives every day, the elderly who have been isolated and forgotten, and the essential workers who continue to keep our society functioning. Let us also acknowledge the mental health toll this pandemic has taken on us all, and extend our support and compassion to those who are struggling.

We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future. It is up to us to demand a better society, one where the value of human life is held above all else. We must demand accountability, transparency, and empathy from our leaders. We must never forget the lives that have been lost and strive to create a world where tragedies like this never happen again.

In memory of Camilla and all the victims of this senseless tragedy, let us come together and work towards a brighter and safer future for all.