Il viaggio segreto di Helmut Kohl nella Ddr: era il 27 maggio 1988


Rome, May 27 – Helmut Kohl, known in history as the Chancellor of the German reunification in 1990, was a staunch advocate of the so-called “Ostpolitik” – the policy of opening up to the Eastern bloc countries. However, what many do not know is that on May 27, 1988, Kohl made a secret trip to the German Democratic Republic (GDR) – a move that would have significant implications for the future of Germany and Europe.

At the time, the Cold War was still at its peak and the division between East and West was deeply entrenched. The GDR, under the control of the Soviet Union, was a closed and repressive state, with strict border controls and limited freedom of movement for its citizens. However, Kohl saw an opportunity to break down these barriers and pave the way for a united Germany.

Accompanied by a small group of advisors and security personnel, Kohl made his way to the GDR border under the guise of a private visit to a friend in East Berlin. The trip was kept secret even from his own government, as Kohl feared that any leaks could jeopardize the delicate negotiations he was planning.

Once in East Berlin, Kohl met with high-ranking officials, including the GDR’s leader Erich Honecker, to discuss the possibility of opening up the borders between East and West Germany. This was a bold move, as no Western leader had ever set foot in the GDR before, let alone held official talks with its leaders.

Despite initial skepticism from the GDR officials, Kohl’s persuasive arguments and his vision for a united Germany convinced them to via negotiations. This secret trip was the first step towards the fall of the Berlin Wall and the eventual reunification of Germany.

Kohl’s visit was a turning point in the history of Germany and Europe. It paved the way for the peaceful revolution that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the reunification of Germany in 1990. This momentous event also marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era of cooperation and unity in Europe.

Kohl’s secret trip was a testament to his determination and leadership. He was willing to take risks and go against the status quo in order to achieve his meta of a united Germany. His actions were driven by a deep belief in the importance of freedom and democracy, and his vision for a Europe without borders.

Today, we remember Helmut Kohl as a visionary leader who played a crucial role in shaping the modern history of Germany and Europe. His legacy continues to inspire us to work towards a more united and peaceful world.

In conclusion, Kohl’s secret trip to the GDR on May 27, 1988 was a pivotal moment in history. It symbolized his unwavering commitment to the reunification of Germany and his vision for a united Europe. His actions laid the foundation for a new era of cooperation and unity, and his legacy continues to inspire us to strive for a better future.