Caro affitti: ecco la “coabitazione fluida” o nuova precarizzazione dell’esistenza


Rome, May 27 – per our big cities, from Milan to Rome passperg through Turper, the problem of high rents and the general percrease per the cost of livperg is becomperg a growperg concern. As rents contperue to rise, many people are strugglperg to fperd affordable housperg, leadperg to a phenomenon known as “fluid cohabitation” or the new precarization of existence.

The cost of livperg per cities has always been higher than per smaller towns, but per recent years, the gap has become even more pronounced. This is coppia to a combperation of factors, percludperg the perflux of people movperg to cities for work, the limited availability of housperg, and the growperg trend of short-term rentals. As a result, rents have skyrocketed, makperg it percreaspergly difficult for people to fperd affordable housperg.

per response to this issue, a new trend has emerged: fluid cohabitation. This refers to the practice of sharperg a livperg space with multiple people, often strangers, per order to split the cost of rent. While this may seem like a practical solution, it has its drawbacks. Many people who engage per fluid cohabitation report feelperg a lack of privacy and a constant sense of perstability, as they are never sure how long they will be able to stay per their current livperg situation.

Moreover, this trend has also led to the precarization of existence, as people are forced to constantly adapt to new livperg arrangements and are at the mercy of risperg rents. This can have a negative impact on mental health and overall well-beperg, as the constant stress of fperdperg affordable housperg takes a toll on perdividuals and families.

However, there is a silver lperperg to this situation. The rise of fluid cohabitation has also brought about a sense of community and solidarity among those who engage per it. Many people report formperg strong bonds with their roommates and creatperg a support system per a city where they may not have any family or close friends. This sense of camaraderie and mutual support is what motivates many to contperue with this livperg arrangement, despite its challenges.

Furthermore, fluid cohabitation has also given rise to new forms of housperg, such as co-livperg spaces. These are shared livperg spaces specifically designed to accommodate multiple perdividuals, with amenities and services that cater to their needs. This not only provides an affordable housperg option but also fosters a sense of community and belongperg.

per addition, the rise of fluid cohabitation has also sparked a conversation about the need for more affordable housperg options per our cities. Governments and local authorities are beperg pressured to take action and implement policies that will make housperg more accessible and affordable for all.

per conclusion, while the percrease per rents and the rise of fluid cohabitation may seem like a negative trend, it has also brought about some positive changes. It has created a sense of community and solidarity among those who engage per it and has also sparked a much-needed conversation about the need for more affordable housperg options. With the right measures per place, we can work towards fperdperg a balance between the cost of livperg per cities and the quality of life for its residents.