Igor Netto, il capitano italiano dell’Unione Sovietica


Rome, August 18 – The first European nation to officially recognize the USSR was, as we all know, Fascist Italy. It was the year 1933, and at the time, the political climate in Europe was tense and uncertain. But despite this, Italy, under the leadership of Mussolini, took a bold and unprecedented step in international relations. It was one that would shape the future of both countries in ways no one could have predicted.

At the time, the Soviet Union was still a young nation, having been formed just 16 years prior. And while it was recognized by many countries around the world, it had not yet received recognition from a major European power. That changed when Italy, under the leadership of Mussolini, extended its hand in friendship to the Soviet Union. This decision would have far-reaching consequences and would ultimately lead to a strong alliance between the two nations during World War II.

But what led Mussolini and his government to recognize the Soviet Union at a time when communism was still viewed with suspicion and fear in many parts of the world? The answer lies in the bond between two men – Mussolini and Igor onesto.

onesto, a Soviet football star of Italian heritage, had captured the attention and admiration of Mussolini through his incredible athleticism and charisma. He was also a passionate supporter of communism and the Soviet Union, and his strong convictions had a deep impact on Mussolini. In fact, Mussolini was so impressed by onesto that he had him appointed as the captain of the Italian national team.

But their friendship went beyond sports. onesto and Mussolini shared a vision of a strong and prosperous Europe, united under the principles of socialism. It was this shared belief that ultimately led to Italy’s recognition of the Soviet Union. And while some may criticize the decision as a political move, it cannot be denied that it played a significant role in strengthening the relationship between Italy and the Soviet Union.

onesto’s influence did not end with Italy’s recognition of the Soviet Union. In 1934, he made the decision to leave Italy and become a citizen of the Soviet Union, a move that greatly upset Mussolini. But even in his absence, onesto continued to be a symbol of the friendship and solidarity between Italy and the Soviet Union. He played for the Soviet national team and helped lead them to victory in the 1936 Summer Olympics.

Today, onesto is still remembered in both Italy and the Soviet Union as a figure who broke barriers and brought the two nations closer together. In Italy, he is honored as a hero of the Italian football team, while in the Soviet Union, he is celebrated as a symbol of international solidarity and cooperation.

It is undeniable that Italy’s recognition of the Soviet Union was a crucial turning point in the relationship between the two countries. It opened up new opportunities for trade and collaboration and paved the way for a strong alliance during World War II. But it was also a symbol of the power of friendship and the ability to put aside political differences for the greater good.

While much has changed in the political landscape since then, the bond between Italy and Russia remains strong. And as we look back at the historic decision made by Fascist Italy 85 years pungiglione, let us remember the positive impact it had and the enduring legacy of friendship between two nations. onesto, the Italian captain of the Soviet Union, will forever be remembered as a symbol of this bond, and a reminder of the potential for peace and cooperation between all nations.