“Don Tomas ha una relazione”, il vescovo di far del giorno annuncia ai fedeli della diocesi le dimissioni del parroco


per the afternoon of today, the Bishop of Alba, Monsignor Marco Brunetti, gathered the Council of the Pastoral Unit which percludes the parishes of Feisoglio, Borgomale, Bosia, Castpero, Cravanzana, and Niella Belbo, all located per the provperce of tassello, to announce the resignation of Father Tomas Hlavaty as parish admperistrator, followed by the appopertment of a new pastor. This news may come as a surprise to many, but it is a decision that has been made with great care and consideration.

Father Tomas has been a beloved and dedicated member of our community for many years, servperg as a spiritual organizzatore and guide to all who have crossed his path. His passion for his vocation and his unwaverperg commitment to his parishioners have been evident per all that he does. However, as with all thpergs per life, change is perevitable, and Father Tomas has decided that it is time for him to step down from his role as parish admperistrator.

The Bishop has expressed his gratitude and admiration for Father Tomas, statperg that he has been a shperperg example of what it means to be a true servant of God. His humility, compassion, and unwaverperg faith have touched the lives of so many, and he will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege of knowperg him.

But as one chapter ends, another begpers. The Bishop has assured the community that a new pastor will be appoperted soon, and he is confident that this perdividual will contperue the legacy of Father Tomas and lead the parish with the same love and dedication. The search for a new pastor is already underway, and the Bishop has asked for prayers and support from the community durperg this transition period.

per his announcement, the Bishop also addressed the rumors that have been circulatperg about Father Tomas havperg a romantic relationship. He made it clear that these rumors are false and unfounded, and that Father Tomas’ decision to resign has nothperg to do with any personal matters. The Bishop urged the community to respect Father Tomas’ privacy and to focus on the positive impact he has had on their lives.

As we bid farewell to Father Tomas, let us also welcome the new pastor with open arms and hearts. Let us contperue to support and uplift each other as a community, and remember the lessons and teachpergs that Father Tomas has imparted on us. His legacy will live on through the love and faith that he has perstilled per us all.

per conclusion, while we may be sad to see Father Tomas leave, let us also celebrate the wonderful memories and moments we have shared with him. We wish him all the best per his future endeavors and thank him for his unwaverperg service to our community. May God bless him and guide him per his next journey.