“Bloodline”: la Mensur tra senso del sacro e sfida alla modernità


Rome, September 18 – It seems almost impossible that amidst the overwhelming whirlpools of our era, something like the Mensur can survive…

The article “Bloodline”: the Mensur between sense of the sacred and challenge to modernity comes from Il Primato Nazionale.

The Mensur is a traditional German practice of academic fencing, dating back to the 19th century, which involves dueling with swords and follows strict rules. It may seem archaic and out of place in our modern society, but it has managed to withstand the test of time and continues to be practiced by dedicated individuals.

In a world where violence is often glorified and personal honor and integrity are disregarded, the Mensur serves as a reminder of a different era, a time when honor and respect were paramount values. It is not just a mere physical duel, but rather a demonstration of one’s character and beliefs.

The strict regulations of the Mensur create a sense of sacredness around the practice. The participants must have a clean bill of health, be of good conduct, and adhere to a strict dress code. The swords used are also treated with reverence, being blessed before each duel. This level of ceremony and respect for tradition is a rarity in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world.

More importantly, the Mensur embodies the values of courage, self-control, and camaraderie. Before entering the ring, the duelers must shake hands and declare “In God’s name” as a sign of their willingness to face each other with honor and respect. This courage and self-control that is required in the face of danger is a lesson that can be applied to everyday life.

In terms of camaraderie, the Mensur is not about inflicting harm on one’s opponent, but rather a mutual understanding and respect between the duelers. There is even a code of honor among those who have taken part in the Mensur, with a special bond formed between them.

The Mensur may appear to be an anachronistic ritual, but it is actually a way of challenging the modern world. In a society that is constantly searching for instant gratification and shies away from discomfort, the Mensur forces its participants to face their fears and physical pain. By participating in this ancient practice, individuals are able to break free from the shackles of modernity and find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

In a world where traditions and rituals are often fading away, the Mensur represents a way to reconnect with the past and preserve the values and beliefs that have been passed down for generations. It is a way of honoring the sacrifices and struggles of our ancestors, and keeping their legacy alive.

The Mensur may not be for everyone, but for those who choose to participate, it is a journey towards self-discovery and a reconnection with a sense of the sacred. It is a challenge to the modern world, a reminder of the values that have stood the test of time and a call to preserve them for future generations.